Das regionale Fachbuch

regiospectra aims at presenting the different geographic regions of Asia and Africa from various perspectives. "Das regionale Fachbuch" offers academic publications from numerous disciplines, including area studies, political and social sciences, anthropology, history and geography.

Are you interested in one particular country? You can find our publications from all series ordered by regions and countries here.

Andriani Nangoy, Timo Duile, Kristina Großmann und Christoph Antweiler (Eds.)

Übersetzung als kulturelle Begegnung

Eine Festschrift für Berthold Damshäuser

21,90 €
20,47 €
Tax amount: 1,43 €

Product details

Thompson Gyedu Kwarkye

Women in Local Governance

Exploring Nawuri Women Leaders in Human Security in Kpandai District, Ghana

34,90 €
32,62 €
Tax amount: 2,28 €

Product details

Michaela Doutch

Women workers in the garment factories of Cambodia

A feminist labour geography of global (re)production networks

34,90 €
32,62 €
Tax amount: 2,28 €

Product details

Luzile Satur

Vibrancy of Public Spaces

Inclusivity and Participation Amidst the Challenges in Transformative Process in the City of Cagayan de Oro, Philippines

32,90 €
30,75 €
Tax amount: 2,15 €

Product details

Roger Yanogo

Handwerkliche Textilproduktion in Burkina Faso

Situation und Perspektiven der Weber in Kotédougou (Bobo-Dioulasso) und Séna (Provinz Zoundwéogo)

33,90 €
31,68 €
Tax amount: 2,22 €

Product details

Alessandro Gullo

Mining and Men in Mutiara Hitam

An Empirical Case Study on Mining and the Impact on Masculinities and Gender Relations in Indonesia

21,90 €
20,47 €
Tax amount: 1,43 €

Product details

Lena Zühlke

Worship and Water Pollution of the Ganges

Interrelation of the Ecological Problems of the River Ganga and its Religious Importance

32,90 €
30,75 €
Tax amount: 2,15 €

Product details

Irina Grimm

Zwischen Repression und Opposition:

Indonesische Studierende in der Bundesrepublik (1965-1998)

19,90 €
18,60 €
Tax amount: 1,30 €

Product details

Eva Seraphim Tandoh Quansah

The Liberating Power of Income Generating Activities on Women’s Roles in Ghana

Myth or Reality?

32,90 €
30,75 €
Tax amount: 2,15 €

Product details

Nicole Weydmann

‘Healing is not just Dealing with your Body’

A Reflexive Grounded Theory Study Exploring Women’s Concepts and Approaches Underlying the Use of Traditional and Complementary Medicine in Indonesia

34,90 €
32,62 €
Tax amount: 2,28 €

Product details