Themen der Welt

Our series "Themen der Welt" is multi-faceted and covers a wide range of publications from catalogues of transnational art exhibitions to individual experiences from the regions.

Are you interested in one particular country? You can find our publications from all series ordered by regions and countries here.


Berthold Damshäuser und Michael Rottmann (Hrsg.)

Wege nach – und mit – Indonesien

16 Berichte und Reflexionen

24,90 €
23,27 €
Tax amount: 1,63 €

Product details

Martin Jankowski

Indonesien lesen

Notizen zu Literatur und Gesellschaft

16,90 €
15,79 €
Tax amount: 1,11 €

Product details

Christian Roschmann

Diplomat in Osttimor

16,90 €
15,79 €
Tax amount: 1,11 €

Product details

Martin Jankowski (Hrsg.)

Jakarta Berlin Arts Festival

Entdecke die andere Seite der Welt – Discover the other side of the world

10,00 €
9,35 €
Tax amount: 0,65 €

Product details

Arnulf Schwarz / Matthias Etzel

Expedition Mittelmeer

11.000 km, 4 Monate — mit dem Fahrrad unterwegs

14,91 €
14,90 €
Tax amount: 0,97 €

Product details

Nya Luong and Christoph Kolk (eds)

ID — Contemporary Art Indonesia

Exhibition Catalogue - bilingual edition (german / english)

15,00 €
14,02 €
Tax amount: 0,98 €

Product details

Claudia Seise

One Year on the Scene

Contemporary Art in Indonesia

18,90 €
17,66 €
Tax amount: 1,24 €

Product details

Franziska Fennert und Martin Jankowski (eds)

U(DYS)TOPIA [de|en|ind]

20,00 €
18,69 €
Tax amount: 1,31 €

Product details