Luzile Satur

Vibrancy of Public Spaces

Inclusivity and Participation Amidst the Challenges in Transformative Process in the City of Cagayan de Oro, Philippines

29,90 €
27,94 €
Tax amount: 1,96 €

Product details

Maria Tschanz

Wörterbuch Tetum-Deutsch

Disionáriu Tetun-Alemaun

22,90 €
21,40 €
Tax amount: 1,50 €

Product details

Maria Tschanz

Wörterbuch Deutsch-Tetum

Disionáriu Alemaun-Tetun

24,90 €
23,27 €
Tax amount: 1,63 €

Product details

Roger Yanogo

Handwerkliche Textilproduktion in Burkina Faso

Situation und Perspektiven der Weber in Kotédougou (Bobo-Dioulasso) und Séna (Provinz Zoundwéogo)

29,90 €
27,94 €
Tax amount: 1,96 €

Product details

Basilisa Dengen und Alex Flor (Hrsg.)

für Watch Indonesia!

Peacebuilding in Aceh

Zwischen Tsunami und Scharia

18,90 €
17,66 €
Tax amount: 1,24 €

Product details

Hans-Bernd Zöllner

The Beast and the Beauty

The History of the Conflict between the Military and Aung San Suu Kyi in Myanmar, 1988-2011, Set in a Global Context

31,90 €
29,81 €
Tax amount: 2,09 €

Product details

Ninon Franziska Frank

Vom Imaginieren eines Raumes

Das postkoloniale Indochina als literarisches Konstrukt

19,90 €
18,60 €
Tax amount: 1,30 €

Product details

Hans-Bernd Zöllner

Das Totenschiff – die Tragödien der Rohingya

Eine historische Collage

19,90 €
18,60 €
Tax amount: 1,30 €

Product details

Irina Grimm

Zwischen Repression und Opposition

Indonesische Studierende in der Bundesrepublik (1965-1998)

18,90 €
17,66 €
Tax amount: 1,24 €

Product details

Alessandro Gullo

Mining and Men in Mutiara Hitam

An Empirical Case Study on Mining and the Impact on Masculinities and Gender Relations in Indonesia

19,90 €
18,60 €
Tax amount: 1,30 €

Product details