Martin Jankowski

Indonesien lesen

Notizen zu Literatur und Gesellschaft

16,90 €
15,79 €
Tax amount: 1,11 €

Product details

Andre Borgerhoff

Competitive Nation-Building in Timor-Leste

With Particular Reference to the Discourse on the Postcolony’s ‘Language Tetralemma’ During the Years 2002-07

29,90 €
27,94 €
Tax amount: 1,96 €

Product details

Sonja Mohr

Displaying the Colonial

The Exhibitions of the ‘Museum Nasional Indonesia’ and the ‘Tropenmuseum’

21,90 €
20,47 €
Tax amount: 1,43 €

Product details

Rey Agana

Tagalog 3

Arbeitswelt und Alltag auf den Philippinen.
Ein Kurs für Fortgeschrittene

19,90 €
18,60 €
Tax amount: 1,30 €

Product details

Yvonne Michalik (Ed.)

Indonesian Women Filmmakers

22,90 €
21,40 €
Tax amount: 1,50 €

Product details

Christian Roschmann

Diplomat in Osttimor

16,90 €
15,79 €
Tax amount: 1,11 €

Product details

Larah Wessendorf

The Era of General Ne Win

A biographical approach of his military and political career considering Burmese traditions of political succession

19,90 €
18,60 €
Tax amount: 1,30 €

Product details

Silke Schwarz

Selbstbestimmung trotz Tabu?

Uneheliche Sexualität und Schwangerschaft aus weiblicher Sicht auf Java, Indonesien

26,90 €
25,14 €
Tax amount: 1,76 €

Product details

Sascha Wölck

»Untitled« et al.

Irritation von Geschichts- und Identitätskonstruktionen in der Kunst Danh Vos

19,90 €
18,60 €
Tax amount: 1,30 €

Product details